
Case study

Soner Cuhadar


Display Modern Futuristic

Project Overview:

We aimed to create a website that truly understands and addresses the needs and preferences of the users.

Role on the Team:

My role in the TechWaves website design project was to lead the user experience and interface design efforts.

Magnifying Glass Icon



Wireframes and Mockups

User Testing

User Testing

outcome icon

Iteration and Design Refinement:

My responsibilities included

Great websites designed by the pro himself


The goal of the TechWaves website design project is to create a modern, user-centric, and visually appealing website that effectively showcases TechWaves' mobile cell services, plans, and promotions.

Website designer working with the new computer interface as desi
Responsive Devices on Home Desktop Showing Web Design Website
Colleagues Discussing Work Together

Competitor analysis was conducted to assess the strengths and weaknesses of key competitors in the mobile cell service industry.

competitor analysis

Tracking Competitors Forecasting Businessman Telescope Icon

The Research

survey feedback survey

user Survey

user surveys were carried out to gather insights into the preferences and expectations of the target audience regarding mobile cell services and website usability.

Notebook with text COMPETITOR ANALYSIS near office supplies.

we observed that some companies' websites were designed like corporate newsletters, focusing more on the company's internal updates rather than catering to the needs of the users. In contrast, our website will be user-centric, prioritizing the needs and preferences of our audience to deliver a seamless and customer-oriented experience.

The most significant insight we gained from the user survey is that users heavily rely on mobile internet usage via their smartphones. Consequently, it highlights the utmost importance of our mobile-friendly website design to cater to their preferences and enhance their browsing experience.

Display Modern Futuristic

user: alya

Pain Points

Limited budget, dependency on parents' approval, fear of missing out on trends.

The Users

Display Modern Futuristic

user: Sara

Pain Points

Finding a family plan that balances affordability, control, and safety, setting appropriate usage limits for children.


User Testing

User testing was conducted with a young target audience, including Alya, to gather valuable feedback. The tests were conducted with users guided by a facilitator, and their interactions were recorded through screen and audio recordings. Additionally, the facilitator promptly noted down users' feedback and comments, ensuring real-time documentation of their impressions and insights.

Sound Recording Studio Screen



After conducting the user testing, the valuable insights and feedback were used to make necessary improvements. Subsequently, new wireframes were created based on the refined design decisions, incorporating the changes that aimed to enhance the user experience and address user preferences.

Final Polished Designs:

High-fidelity prototype showcases a polished and realistic representation of the TechWaves website, allowing stakeholders to experience the final design and interactions.

Blue Futuristic Shape Illustration


The gamification concept is implemented to engage users in a fun and interactive experience while customizing their ideal mobile plan. Users earn points, badges, or rewards as they select different plan features, making the process enjoyable and encouraging them to explore various options to create their personalized plan.

Results and Outcomes:

The online survey and competitor analyses informed the user-centric website design, incorporating gamification for plan customization.

By incorporating these insights and user-centric design elements, the TechWaves website is poised to deliver an enhanced user experience, providing visitors with a seamless and enjoyable journey while exploring and customizing their mobile plans.

Thank You

We appreciate your time and interest in our app. If you have any questions or would like to provide feedback, feel free to contact us. We're dedicated to continuously improving your experience.